What is the ANM program?
Taletha Jouzdani, Champion dancer, has created a very successful Intermediate/All-Star program that runs at many events across the USA. We asked her to create a slightly different variation for us here in Montreal, with an offering that supports NOVICE dancers!
Why Novice?
It's no joke navigating the competitive Novice dancefloor, huge divisions, multiple heats, and no clear idea how to stand out to the judges! We recognize your frustration! What your teachers tell you, and what you see out 'in the wild' can sometimes seem at odds, and that is frustrating. In Novice, it can be easy to lose your confidence and want to give up. We want you to know that it can and does get better!
How Do Our Advanced Dancers Fit In?
Our Advanced dancers will be contacted and asked to be on this mentorship team. Advanced dancers range from being seasoned and already mentoring and teaching to newer advanced dancers that are looking for mentorship experience and possibly to start teaching and coaching. Advanced dancers still remember what competing in Novice was like! They managed to navigate it, and have lots of wisdom to share with you about their individual journeys.
The Advanced mentors will act as guides to Novice mentees accepted to the program and will be there to cheer you on all weekend long!
The ANM Program: Matching
The ANM program will match ONE Novice dancer to ONE Advanced dancer. The general idea is to create a personalized match so that the Advanced mentor and Novice mentee have common goals, interests and parallel journeys.
So general guidelines –
Novice dancers, ideally we will be match you with someone FROM ANOTHER CITY.
We will base the novice selection from matching characteristics, dance and community goals and dance background.
Schedule will also be a consideration.
The goal is to start the conversation – and help continue the conversation through the weekend. Foster friendships and see what happens. The mentorship relationship may last the weekend, it may last a year or a lifetime – it is up to you!
What happens once you are matched? ​
We usually have a few social engagements, an orientation and feedback session, and a final meetup to review the weekend's highs and lows. The final schedule of activities will be released nearer the event.
For our Advanced mentors, a special discussion workshop hosted by a AS/Pro discussing mentorship and community impact topics.
Who Is Taletha?
Taletha is not just known to be the champion dancer that she is — but also to be an amazing coach and teacher of teachers. She´s thought very deeply about the mentoring process and has much wisdom to impart.
Montreal Westie Fest is now taking applications for the first edition of the ANM Program. If you are a WSDC Novice level dancer, this is your chance to be a part of a weekend-long mentorship program. The ANM Program matches qualified Novice level mentees with invited Advanced mentors for a weekend of dance growth, guidance, and camaraderie.
The deadline for application submissions is August 28th. IMPORTANT - Only applicants who can attend all scheduled meet-ups including our orientation and Sunday final-meet-up will be eligible. We will get back to you with your match by Sept 18th, if not sooner.
If you are a Novice Dancer and interested in joining the program, apply Here.
Due to the popularity of the ANM Program we encourage applicants to get their applications in as soon as possible. The ANM program is unique in that each time we run the program, we match a small number of advanced mentors and novice mentees together in order to provide an exceptional experience. We put a lot of effort into making the ideal pairings of mentors and mentees and to provide a mentorship experience that is based not just on dance, but shared interest and goals. All of the applicants are possible candidates but unfortunately, we cannot place everyone. If you do not get placed this time you can resubmit your application again for future ANM Programs and we will be sure to put your application to the top of the list.
To be fair, we consider first the timeliness of application, time and energy put into the application, and the best possible matches based on the mentors and their strengths/skillset.
IMPORTANT: The program is intended for people who already plan to attend the event as there is no additional charge for participation in the program. Acceptance into the program is not intended to be a determining reason to attend the event.
We appreciate every application and the support and enthusiasm for ANM! Thank you for supporting this community-building program and see you on the dance floor!
Novice dancers - Apply Here.
Calling all Advanced dancers attending MWF 2020. Want to get more practice teaching or offering the advice you wish you had back when you were in Novice? The ANM Program is looking for a few great mentors to contribute to one of our amazing Novice level mentees. We will match you with an eager mentee for a weekend full of planned social engagements, feedback sessions, and other organized bonding activities. If you are interested in this community-building opportunity please fill out the following questionnaire and we will get back to you with your match by Sept 18th, if not sooner.
IMPORTANT: The program is intended for people who already plan to attend the event as there is no additional charge for participation in the program. Acceptance into the program is not intended to be a determining reason to attend the event.
We appreciate every application and the support and enthusiasm for ANM! Thank you for supporting this community-building program and see you on the dance floor!
Advanced dancer interested in joining the program? Apply Here.
Please get your applications in by August 28th.